Understand what it takes to establish and maintain individual liberty and prosperity through self governance

Why the need for government in the first place?

The Benefits of Collaboration

In his excellent book Common Sense, Thomas Paine distinguishes the difference between a society and and government. He then goes on to lay out a succinct argument as to why it is in the mutual best interests of people to establish a form of government.

The Need For Order

Order provides the structure within which we live. The absence of order is disorganization and chaos. Orderliness in this sense is the defined methodology for conducting our lives. It helps us predict reactions from actions, provides a smooth and safe flow of interactions with each other and provides a standard upon which we can see and measure collaboration vs conflict.

what is the best type of government?

What Should Be The Basic Form Of Government?

There are two basic forms of government. One form serves the purposes of a ruling class where the people are their resources. The second form of government is self rule were it is the people who secure their own independence and prosperity.

Self Governance is Rule by Common Morality Not Man

The concept of self governance is that the people are ruled by a universal code of virtue and morality instead of being ruled by the will of one or few. The essential element to ensure that a form of self government can be sustained is a common and agreed upon system of morality with which the rule of law is derived.

human rights

Natural Rights

How is it, through the observation of nature, given the wide variation in the achievements of people, that we arrive at the belief that all men are created equal? Why do you hold a right to your own life and liberty? What is the basis for human rights and how do we distinguish them from meritless entitlements?

Three Core Rights

Virtues are the behaviors that support what we value. By reason, we derive three essential values that each of us must hold to secure our own lives. For harmonious interactions with one another, we must agree to a social compact in which we each respect these three values as natural rights, upheld equally for every person. This forms the basis of morality. Morality when understood in this way, forms the political structure that enables individual liberty and prosperity.

What Does It Mean To Be Free?

As important as understanding what human rights are, is the understanding of not only where they came from, but where they did not come from. The independence of human rights from the consent, permission or recognition of anyone else is fundamental to their security.

Essential Principles of a Just Government

Rule Of Law

In a free society we consent to be ruled by law, not by man. Law must be founded in a rational understanding of the laws of nature, or nature's god, and be equally applicable to all members of society, both citizens and leaders. There are no exceptions.

Due Process

Prescribed legal proceeding must be followed including: Presumption of innocence until proven guilty, burden of proof is on the accuser; A right to a defense; A right to a fair and speedy trial by an impartial jury of peers; No cruel or unusual punishments.

Unalienable Rights

Natural rights are inherent and universal to each person and exist independent of any authority or consent. As such, no person or body of people possesses a right to separate any individual from those rights.

Un-Infringable Rights

Government is not the source of rights, it is the protector of rights. Subsequently, they have no authority to write or enforce laws that infringe natural rights or to make those rights contingent upon some condition.


The people choose their own representatives and terms are set in place for a set period of time to allow people to select new representatives. This ensures accountability and renews our consent of the governed.

Equal Under The Law

All men are created equal and therefore entitled to equal protection under the law. The offices of government are subject to the same laws as the people.


Natural rights are exclusive to the individual, not to the community or to any ruler. Placing the rights of a collective above that of the individual promotes despotism and tyranny.

Separation Of Power

Governments should not be changed for light and transit causes. Checks and balances exist to maintain consistency in law and to prevent despotism and tyranny.

Understanding Of Right and Wrong

The foundation of a fair and equitable moral structure requires that right and wrong both exist, and are universally true and consistent for each individual.

Law Based on Morality

Politics defines legal right and wrong and its aim is to allow a wide range of conduct while restricting some behaviors. For governments to retain their just powers through the consent of the governed, our political doctrines must align to the natural laws of morality.